UNLEASH 2024 in Morocco

💥 Gear Up for UNLEASH 2024 in Morocco! 🌍

Exciting News! 2024 kicks off strong at UNLEASH! Our community is organizing an UNLEASH Hack in Morocco, focusing on leveraging AI for Disaster Risk Reduction. Join talented individuals in teams to create innovative solutions around three key themes:

🚨 Early Warning Systems
🌍 Planet Harmony
💡 Prosperity through Inclusion

📆 Save the Dates:

February 23 – 25
⚠️ Application Deadline: January 26!

📍 Location:

Rabat, Morocco (but also accessible online!)
👤 Who Can Apply:

People between 20-35 years old living in Morocco or other African countries.

🔗 Find out more and apply now here ;
🌐 Join us in making a positive impact through innovation and collaboration! #UNLEASH2024 #AIforDisasterRiskReduction #InnovationHack #ProsperityThroughInclusion #EarlyWarningSystems #PlanetHarmony #MoroccoInnovation #YouthInTech #ApplyNow #CollaborativeSolutions #DigitalInnovation #ImpactfulIdeas #UNLEASHMorocco #YouthLeadership #GlobalImpact #ApplyToday #SustainableDevelopment #TechForGood #FutureInnovation #YouthEmpowerment #AIInnovation #DisasterRiskReduction #DigitalSolutions #CommunityInnovation



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