Morning Pages - ALX Rabat Professional Foundations


Don’t Stop | Don’t Think | Just Write!

This week, you should continue practicing your daily habit of Movement (and logging it). You will now also start incorporating Morning Pages into your daily routine. We shared some of the immense benefits of writing Morning Pages in Week 1 and we want you to feel equipped to make them a part of your day-to-day.

Here is a quick recap of how Morning Pages work:

  • Doing them first thing when you wake up is the best. But any time of day is ok.
  • Get a pen and paper (or a journal) and write! The benefits come from doing this by hand - no typing!
  • Write whatever pops into your head! (Really, whatever’s there. Anything! Just write it!)
  • Don’t stop writing. Don’t re-read what you’ve written. Don’t go back and edit.
  • If you don’t know what to write, then write, “I don’t know what to write. Maybe it’s because…” and you’re off again. Just keep the pen moving!
  • Write 3 full pages.
  • When you’re done, put them in an envelope (or burn them)! Don’t re-read them. Don’t share them with anyone.
  • Remember, the point of Morning Pages is the process and not the product.

The most important thing is that you write something by hand and that you do it every day.

One thing that is important to remember with morning pages is that what you write matters a lot less than the fact that you write something. So make sure you give yourself permission to write absolutely anything. Don’t overthink it. Just write. Think of it as “clearing out the pipes” so that you have more space to do focused and creative work.

You may not be convinced that this practice is right for you. That’s okay. But we ask that you try it for 1 week. Treat it as an experiment. We challenge you to do it every day for 7 days straight and notice what impact it has on your mood, focus, and overall productivity. What have you got to lose? Many very successful people vouch for this process, so give it a shot and see for yourself what happens!


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