So excited to finally launch the first call for applications of the new Youth Climate Justice Fund. The YCJF is an historic effort to build a youth-to-youth participative fund, to support youth climate justice collectives and groups with trust-based funding, resources, and youth-to-youth development to empower climate justice collectives all over the world. ๐ธ Groups have one month to apply for the first initial cycle of #funding until the 24th of September. Most grants will be offered up to $10.000 USD but there will be flexibility to support key youth movements, especially growing youth-led intermediaries in the so-called global south. ๐ผ We’re also happy to launch our call for applications in 7 different languages –Arabic, English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish are ready, and Hindi and Swahili coming later this week– to ensure that groups have better accessibility to our funding opportunities. Our Regional Leads will also be able to assist groups with more limited access to en