open calls for Literature


📚 Are you a writer, poet or researcher? Check out our open calls for Literature below!

Calls for all disciplines can be found on our site here 👉


📌 Vilnius UNESCO City of Literature Residency
A four-week creative residency in the heart of Užupis, its iconic arts district, for writers, translators or illustrators from Norwich, Krakow and Lviv in autumn 2023.


📌 National Centre for Writing: NCW Emerging Translator Mentorships
Seeking applications from translators into English for the 2023/24 Emerging Translator Mentorship programme.


📌 Hong Kong Baptist University: International Writer’s Workshop
Inviting applications from interested writers to join the IWW 2023 Residency Programme from 26 February - 24 March 2024.


📌 Bodø2024: European Cabins of Culture
A unique project to fill tourist cabins and other hiking destinations with artistic and cultural content.


📌 NeMe Arts Centre: Decrypting the Artist, Call for Contributions
Organised by NeMe Arts Centre in Limassol, Cyprus from 3-4 November 2023, the event is seeking artworks and speakers for the upcoming event


📌 PALIMPSEST EU Project: Call for Creative Agents to Deliver Landscape Laboratories
Looking for architects, designers, artists, and creative agents to work on imagining and experimenting with new ways to respond to environmental problems


📌 ShUM: Artist in Residence
Proposals should take an artistic approach to the ShUM legacy, taking into consideration Judaism’s ideas, history and current position.


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